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Off World Vehicle Found, Will Pentagon UFO Unit Disclose Details Publicly?

The secret organization of Washington based Pentagon UFO Unit has recently released some video footage which shows the United States Navy Fighter Jets having Encounter with an Un-identified Flying Object (UFO).

The recent report from the New York Times has revealed that a Top-secret Pentagon program has been conducting classified briefings for over a decade. They analyze various encounters which were between the military crafts and unidentified aerial objects.


These 3 videos were recorded in 2004 and 2015 serially. Those were selected from the recording of cockpit instrumentation displays from United states Navy Fighter Jets based aircraft carriers USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt. These were the subject of extensive coverage in mainstream media in 2017 and later declassified by Pentagon in 2020.

The Pentagon unit stated that the program was disbanded, but a Senate committee revealed spending on the program which was called Un-identified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force. In late June U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio had requested a detailed analysis of the task force’s FIndings.

The videos were named as “FLIR1“, “Gimbal“, and “GoFast“. The “FLIR1” was recorded on Nov 14, 2004, by F-18’s Gun camera. The “Gimbal” was taken on Jan 21, 2015, and the third one “GoFast” was also recorded on the same day.

The safety of our personnel and the security of our operations is of paramount concern. To protect our people and maintain operations security, which includes not providing information that may be useful to our adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examination of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.

Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough told Popular Mechanics

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated that there were actual materials that the government and private sector had in their possession.

The ‘Department of Defense’ will continue to investigate the reports of Un-identified Aircraft encountered by the U.S. Military to ensure the defense and security of the Nation.

Piyush Pawar

With his good SEO skills and vast Technical knowledge, Piyush had a broad experience in content writing. He has good hands-on Technical and Non-Technical tools. Always motivated to share his knowledge through his writing and on Social Media platforms.

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