- Valorant Indian servers will be available up and running from the 14th of October.
- This is in particular a very good update to the Indian players of this game as it will lower their ping drastically.
Indian players are very excited about the Valorant Act III update of the game. Do you know why?
Yeah, you might have already guessed it by now. Riot games have installed servers in Mumbai, especially for the Indian players. A nation full of Valorant players will now be able to enjoy their favorite shooters at a much lower ping. Before this update, the Indian players had to rely on SEA(South East Asia) servers, so the ping was higher.
In a Facebook post,Valorant India and South Asia officially announced:
“What does it all mean for you as a player? If you’re in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives, the system will automatically connect you to the new Mumbai servers, no account or ID transfer needed. You will also maintain all your progress and any items you’ve purchased, and will still be able to play with your friends.”
“For our players in Pakistan, you will be playing on the new Bahrain server which is also launching at the same time. This will also provide you with the best ping possible.”
Act III Update:
Riot Games initially announced that only the Middle-East servers will be going live with the new update. But, there were hints that Indian Servers were also being tested, as some players began to notice a drastic low ping. Now it’s confirmed that India will get a server along with this update.
The details of the Indian server was on Valorant’s official sub-Reddit. One of the moderators with the name ‘ZealousApathy‘ replied to a question about pings in Bahrain.

New Agent:
The New Agent is an Australian named Skye. She packs the skillset filled with the utility that can easily turn the tables of the game if used correctly.
Her Abilities include:
- An AoE heals for allies which will not apply for herself.
- A remote-control drone to gain vision and damage enemies.
- A bird that can scout out areas and detonate at will to flash enemies looking at it.
- An Ultimate which will send out three wolves to hunt down enemies, stunning them on impact.
New Map:
The new map, Icebox will be a snow-themed map that is located on a shipyard in the Tundra region. The map features two bomb sites and ziplines to help players move through certain sections faster. The map will arrive but would not be available for competitive play until two weeks later.
Battle Pass:
Valorant Act III will feature the all-new battle pass. The updated Battle Pass will feature new rewards like skins, buddies, player cards and can be upgraded to a premium version for even better rewards. Some of the skins that have been revealed include the Ruin Vandal, Ruin Shorty, and Ruin Dagger.
The Singularity collection will be an entirely new and separate skin collection of Sherrif, Spectre, Phantom, Ares, and Melee.
Recent Bug Issue:
However, along with the excitation of the new update, players are disappointed as they are not able to enter matches in Valorant due to several bugs. After installing the 1.6GB update, players are not able to update the queue. Apparently, the ‘Party Not Ready‘ error pops up every time the players click on the Start Queue option. What’s even worse is that players cannot even play custom matches and that is because the Custome game mode is temporarily disabled. Some people even reported that they could not even select agents and sometimes it’s just a blank white screen to display.
As of now, it’s very difficult to tell if all players are facing the same issue or the problem is only of one specific region. However the good news is that that the developers are working on the issue, but it’s still unknown that for how long will it take to get rid of the bug.