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MarsCat, Just a Start for Future Pets

You probably heard of Sony’s AIBO Robotic Dog but what about Robotic Cat? This is the MarsCat, the world’s first bionic pet. A Chinese technology firm, Elephant Robotics developed MarsCat.
It is a programmable pet where MarsCat exactly behaves like a Kitten and can do everything like blinking eyes, a bat at toys, stretch its front two feet out, play with scissors, etc.

MarsCat comes in white, gray, ginger, and black, and there is a touch sensor on head and other joints, a 5MP camera is installed inside the nose to see and is powered by a Raspberry Pi 3. Apart from the Raspberry Pi kit, it can integrate open source modules like vision and haptic, microcontroller, gyro sensor, etc. The company also says MarsCat can understand around 20 keywords and will recognize instructions from various people.


The Company, founded in 2016 already developed and produced Robots under Elephant S-Series singled-arm industrial robots, Core control systems, and Elephant OS operating systems to various clients including Accenture, Decathlon, etc. The concept of a bionic cat was first created in August 2018 and this is the first time Elephant Robotics developed for household appliances and not for Factory.

The MarsCat will reportedly cost $1,299 when it operates to the Public from March 2020. The battery life remains within 2-3 hours and up to five hours during low usage via USB is charging.

You will never know what MarsCat will do next because it is like a real cat, fully autonomous,’ Joey SongElephant Robotics CEO and co-founder explains. ‘MarsCat acts independently without any instructions.MarsCat walks, runs, sleeps, sits, stretches, bites nails, kneads and even buries litter although she won’t produce any waste. it may express different emotions by different meows 

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