Security Researcher Vinny Troia and Bob Diachenko exposed a server of 4 terabytes that contain 4 Billion user accounts out of which 1.2 Billion is completely unique. The leak exposed is one of a kind as it is the first time in the history of leaks that a single server found with 1.2 Billion records.
The data leak contains the name, phone number, email information, LinkedIn, Facebook profile information. Around 622 million unique email addresses and 50 million unique phone numbers are there on the server. Within a few hours of exposing, the server gets closed. Both researchers reported the incident with the FBI but they didn’t comment on the exposed.

The Open Elasticsearch server was accessible at the address: The researchers analyzed the data and found similarities with People Data Labs (PDL) the website that can be used to search for more than 1.5 billion unique people but PDL denied by saying that the data won’t belong to them.
The researchers further said that the data matches 100% with the PDL database. Another company, claimed to have a database of 4TB, exact as the leak and the LinkedIn profile information matches with their database too but they also put their legs behind by saying that the data leaked won’t belong to them.