Many times we have to send large files to other but due to lack of proper transfer tools, problems occur. Many messaging platforms limit the maximum file transfers to around 16MB. Even, you can send only 25MB files with Gmail. Mozilla Firefox has been working on a free tool called “Firefox Send” to solve the issue to send files with larger size.

Mozilla brings Firefox Send in Late 2017, in August to test it, but it doesn’t got all the features and that’s why it didn’t governed the complete launch. Currently, the tool go its own website, that lets you send encrypted files up to 2.5GB in size.Yo, something good has come now. You can send it with any account to your friends, family or any other person.
The video attached shows up the working of Firefox Send.
Transferring of files through Firefox Send are encrypted and can be easily performed by uploading the files to Firefox Send and sharing the download link with the recipients. You can also configure auto-expiry for the link shared that means the link will no longer work after a particular or pre-determined time that the sender’s configure. Also, The sender can put it to self-expire after a certain number of downloads.
Firefox Send also allows you to secure the files by password protection. This service is free as for now, so it will be great to give a try to it. Visit the Link by clicking here : Firefox Send.