UK university-based scientists finalize a nasal spray to protect you from Covid-19 for up to two days could be sold in pharmacies by summer 2021. Scientists at the University of Bermingham UK were conducting research since last year April. A nasal spray that can prevent coronavirus is being produced at mass production as per a UK newspaper report.

The spray would be concocted from ingredients already in use so wouldn’t require any additional medical approval. The team is already in discussions with shops and pharmaceutical companies about the mass production and distribution of the spray.
The news comes after it was revealed that a virus lab at St Peter’s hospital, Surrey, announced they were trialing a spray that could kill 99.9% of the virus.
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Dr. Richard Moakes, the study’s lead researcher said,” that he’s confident on the composed formula of the spray to help unlock society from social distancing restrictions and get schools going again”. The researchers told the Sunday Telegraph the spray could be administered four times a day to provide general protection against Covid-19. It could also be used every 20 minutes if somebody was in a densely-populated environment.

Dr. Richard Moakes further added ‘As an over the shelf product, we have spoken to companies with a presence on the high street as we think they could distribute it effectively.
‘Our goal is to make an impact as soon as possible, we would really like to see this happen by summer.’
How the Nasal Spray tackles the Covid-19 virus?
If a person is infected with covid virus uses the spray, the spray prevents infection by capturing the virus in the nose and coating it. This means the virus cannot escape and renders it in its inactive and harmless state.
The nasal spray is a combination of an antiviral agent called carrageenan and a solution called gellan. They work together to trap the virus inside the nose by sticking it to cells and covering it with a coating so it can’t escape or be breathed out.
The SaNOtize Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray (NONS) is designed to kill the virus in the upper airways. This stops the virus from entering the lungs, according to the NHS.
Pankaj Sharma, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular Research at Royal Holloway, said: ‘Any intervention for treating coronavirus – the virus responsible for Covid-19 – is to be welcomed.
‘The fact that a relatively easy and simple nasal spray could be an effective treatment is welcome news and offers a significant advance in our therapeutic armory against this devastating disease.’